Monday, December 04, 2006

So this is hell...

Well, remember about a year ago when I wrote that entry about a friend who wasn't really a friend and never replied to me when I said it upset me I never saw her? Well, lucky me. I get to see her Monday to Friday now. She is the lucky recipient of the last permanent position I applied to. We now get to work in the same building. I've already seen her 3 times since last week. It's been real fun. I actually said hello the first and third time, as I passed her by because it took me by surprise. The second time I just passed by without a word. Can you say awkward? Oh, and I meet tomorrow with my boss and my manager to discuss a complaint. Again. Could I feel any smaller? Yep. This is hell.


beepbeepitsme said...

RE hell
You Are SO Damned!

Anonymous said...

Oh god, that is awful! AWFUL. I feel your pain.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ranter,
I came upon your blog through trial and error. Im not to savvy with blogging and such, I hope this message reaches you. Im a grad student studying Disability Studies. I would be interested in gaining your insider perspective on quantitative research. Are you interested? If so, please contact me I won't be offended if you can't, lives are busy!!!
Thanks, Christine

Book Girl said...

Yikes! Sounds very uncomfortable. :-( But at least hell is warm...

BTW - you might be interested to know that I now have a Blogspot blog for my more structured and readable (ie - what I'm willing to share with strangers!) writings on disability, activism, etc, etc. For some reason I hadn't read your blog for a while - I think my RSS feeder-thingy was being difficult, but now I have you on my Blogspot blog links I can get back to reading you.

Anonymous said...
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